Sunday, 24 August 2014

Pain // Fake Kisses For Distractions


My life revolves around this now; I hate complaining, it seems like its all that I fucking do nowadays.  I hate it, seriously I hate having to lie in agony, I hate sitting in agony, I hate walking around with a damn limp and having to stop periodically every few steps cause I'm in so much damn pain.
And to be honest theres more than just my toe thats in pain; I literally cant sit down on a seat anymore cause my back is just fucked, in so much pain.  I have to adjust myself for like 5 minutes before I can get into a position that is least painful.

Now, off of pain, eh I'm doing good, emotionally I am doing so much better than I have since like February, a big part of why is that last week after a small chat about stuff like this with a great friend, another possible reason to why I can easily feel down at times.

Oh yesterday I was at CollectorMania as Han Solo and it was pretty cool; would have been better if more sleep was had before.  Due to some *possibly silly* reasons, the initial plans went down the toilet so we had to be up super early to get through for the right time, and then I think the actual event itself wasn't like how I expected it.  Seemed more like some sort of a huge HMV, and I just wasn't expecting that - I mean it was still good and hell, they had some nice stuff for sale and I'm 110% sure they made a HUGE amount of money, but I just wasn't expecting to see such a emphasis on the sale of stuff. 
Caught some awesome talks, which was rad but even the big names that were there to be met were like pushed off to one side with the buying aspect taking precedence.

In all it was a good day, but could have been much better I think if I had gotten more sleep and if the event itself was maybe more organised.
Plus there were an insane amount of those pretentious nerdy fuckers, roaming the flloors and commenting on everyone "oh oh, look, he's wearing the wrong hat, HA HA!  Thats the hat the 11th Doctor wears, not the 12th, what an ignoramus.  HA HA HA!"
FUCK OFF!  Go back to your basement and wank over the idea of William Shatner and Patrick whatever his name is in a film together.  Get off your high-horse and leave your stupid comments in your pocket!!

Em, what else, I suppose I can hurray that my surgery is on Tuesday so it wont be TOO long until I can go back to my normal self, and em I dont know.  Listening to Anti-Flag cover The Clash and its not too bad, man if this had come out like a year or two before it did my old punk self would have came buckets!

On that note, think I'm gonna leave it; I cant beat cumming buckets now can I...

Oh, and pun of the day - Stonehenge rocks!

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